
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Please Let Good Health Be Around the Corner, or Why I Haven't Posted in Months

I got sideswiped by life back in September after school started, and I haven't quite recovered. I kept telling myself  "Tomorrow I will blog!". Then another round of chaos would begin, and before I knew it I was falling into bed practically sleepwalking my way there. And another day would slip by without a new post.

School started off with lots of promises and positive thoughts - which lasted about as long as the first major test. After that, back to reality. Of course, by then, their social life was fully developed for the new school year. The oldest stepson was graduated and gone (from our home at least), but he still came around here and there. Since September, he broke up with his girlfriend of three years (and mother of his baby girl), found a new girlfriend, married her, and then ten days later went back to his first girlfriend. As of right now, his poor Bride (who we love) is crying her eyes out (he's so not worth it), and he's disappeared by claiming to be divorcing her (he always runs from the truth and responsibility).

As if that were not enough, I discovered my severe fatigue and lower back pain (which was actually bone pain in the lower spine) was caused by low Vitamin D levels.Very low. So low that I am now on mega-doses of a supplement and I am being checked again next month. I was down to "12", and most people my age and gender should be at "80". I am very fair-skinned, and skin cancer runs in the family, so getting more sun (without sunscreen) is not an option considering the deficit I currently have. So, better living through chemistry it is. I am slowly feeling better, but I was told it would take a year to be "normal" again. At least the back pain is getting better.

I got that behind me, then my stepdaughter got kidney stones on the same day my mother had a CT scan to investigate a suspicious growth. It's amazing the timing of this kid. The same day my mother went into a diabetic coma, this same stepdaughter managed to break both arms at the same time at the playground. She's our drama queen, and apparently every organ in her body knows how to make her the center of attention (stage direction would have me rolling my eyes dramatically here of course).

The kidney stone was passed, but my mother failed the CT scan: diagnosis stomach cancer, Stage 2 to Stage 3. We are keeping a positive frame of mind, as the surgeon has said that he will still operate to remove the tumor after her chemotherapy whether or not it has reduced in size. She is an excellent candidate for surgery, as she is a strong and positive 78 year old lady. Trust me, I hope to have half of her energy at that age!

She starts chemotherapy tomorrow, so all good thoughts and prayers are appreciated.  I will be staying with her on and off, so my posts will likely be sporadic. At least until after Thanksgiving. Don't give up on me, as I will continue posting thoughts, musings, tips and rants - just not daily. Once she is cured (after all, removing all of the tumor with no other cancer present is considered cured), I will be back to regular programming.

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